sobota, 1 listopada 2014

Ghost People

Tanzania reminds us of beautiful landscapes, turistical value, wild nature... but there is one dark fact that is kept hidden nowadays, in the XXI century.
They're called Ghost People, they're believed to have been cursed. Their sickness is magical, their lives are „connected to dark magic” - that's why they are being hunted for. They are targeted to murder, to persecute, to disctiminate in everyday life. They are Albino People. The studies of Worldwide Health Organisation show that in Tanzania 1 person out of every 1000 is born with this disease. And this one person from the moment of being born has to suffer, fight and protect himself even from his own family.
Inhabitants of Tanzania believe that parts of a body that has no pigment bring luck and wealthiness. The attackers cut off their limbs and organs and sell them to dealers and Shamans. "Some even believe that the witchcraft ritual is more powerful if the victim screams during the amputation, so body parts are often cut from live victims, especially children," the report of National Geographic says. "The use of children is likely linked to the pursuit of innocence, which, it is believed, enhances the potency of the witchcraft ritual."
The issue has been revealed to public, trying to raise the awareness of the problem. Despite of that, weak Tanzanian government and superstitious nation was not influenced to change. Everyday, when we live our lifes in comfort and entertainment, innocent, suffering people are being murdered without reason.

Click here and here for more info.

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